Monday, March 22, 2010

Florida Auto Insurance At The Lowest Rates Possible

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If you live in Florida you're paying more than most Americans as far as auto insurance is concerned. Does that mean that there's nothing that you can do to lower your Florida Auto insurance rates? No! You can do something now to get lower rates.

Take note of this information even if you're not a Florida resident but use a car there for up to 90 days yearly. It's the minimum auto insurance requirement for the state...

You are expected to provide coverage for yourself and your car notwithstanding who's at fault (Florida's No Fault Law). The other law (Florida's Financial Responsibility Law) demands that you have a certain coverage limit for when you're at fault.

The minimum limit set by Florida's No Fault Law (for personal injury and property damage) is $10,000. You're expected (by the Financial Responsibility Law) to have $20,000 for person injury that involves one than one person and $10,000 if it's just a person. This is in addition to a $10,000 minimum limit for damage to another person's property.

Now that we have made sure everyone understands what we are expected to do by law, how do we lower our car insurance costs? You have to get as many quotes as you can from different insurance companies. This should have been a nightmare but has been made quick and very easy by insurance quotes sites.

Just by making a request you'll get five or more quotes from insurance companies that offer their services and are licensed to do so in the State of Florida. You'll get your quotes immediately after giving the details required in the forms provided. This will take between 3-5 minutes.

This will give you reasonable savings. However, you may still not get all the savings possible for your profile in Florida auto insurance if you do not visit as many as five sites. Three sites should be the minimum if you're in a haste.

All you have to do now is pick the lowest quote. There's only an exception to this: If you see a slightly higher quote that provides some extras you really want.

Take some time out to make sure you're picking the right company. However, this shouldn't be a problem if you use a reputable insurance quotes site. But it would help if you still visit the official website of Florida's Department of Insurance. You'll know how an insurer stands there. This is an important step as it protects you from insurers who handle claims poorly.

You can see that it's not difficult to save a lot without compromising yourself. All you have to do is ensure you use the tips given. Why not start by getting the best car insurance quotes right now?

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